Blackshaw and Beard 4 noted python clear latency effect on marketed brands during python Super Bowl whereby brand opinion higher 16% and purchase consideration higher 13% in python week following python Super Bowl. Furthermore, python timing python Super Bowl ads prompted intent to acquire and ROI, where advertising shown in the direction of python birth python python game scored higher on nearly every valuable advertising measure. Dotterweich and Collins 8 concluded that consumers intent to purchase was also impacted by python ratio python value and status for any given product. Achieving prestige is often accomplished by repeated brand consciousness, and nearly unimaginable for brand spanking new companies given python restricted television time afforded during python Super Bowl. Therefore, ROI is likely to be better for companies which are based and feature diagnosed python real target viewers versus start up businesses are seeking for their ideal demographic. Findings from Dotterweich and Collins 8, in addition to OReilly et al.